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Grupo Disagro S.A. (Guatemala)

Main Activities: Fertilizer Manufacturing
Full name: Grupo Disagro S.A. Profile Updated: April 09, 2024
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Grupo Disagro S.A. is an international corporation based in Guatemala City. They are a leading provider of agricultural supplies, digital agriculture, and other business lines in Central America, Colombia, and Ecuador. DISAGRO® offers a comprehensive portfolio of agricultural products, services, and technologies to their customers. They import, manufacture, formulate, market, and distribute fertilizers, as well as other products related to crop nutrition and protection. They also provide irrigation and fertigation equipment, plasticulture, agricultural seeds, bio-stimulants, biological products, digital agriculture services and platforms, precision agriculture services, and intelligent application of inputs. Additionally, they offer machinery and equipment for agricultural, industrial, and construction mechanization, agro-industrial sacks and packaging, industrial solutions, and logistics solutions.

Anillo Periferico No.17-36, Zone 11
Guatemala City; Guatemala; Postal Code: 1011

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Basic Information
Total Employees:
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Outstanding Shares:
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Incorporation Date:
April 23, 1976
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